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Star Logo - ID:15586
star logo - ID:15586

Star Logo Design - 15586

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Logo ID: 15586
Date: 2012-02-18
Designer: N-tin
[sports] [star] [red] [shield]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. N-tin, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:38850
star logo - ID:38850

Star Logo Design - 38850

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Logo ID: 38850
Date: 2013-12-05
Designer: Jason
[business] [shining star] [star] [snow flake] [brilliant] [kids] [play] [science] [game] [v] [bling] [divers business corporation]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Jason, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:22148
star logo - ID:22148

Star Logo Design - 22148

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Logo ID: 22148
Date: 2012-08-15
Designer: rhardoon
[sports] [star] [foot] [step] [walk] [shoe] [running] [runner] [run] [feet] [footwear] [walking] [excercise] [insole technology] [foot doctors] [pediatry]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. rhardoon, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:32314
star logo - ID:32314

Star Logo Design - 32314

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Logo ID: 32314
Date: 2013-07-14
Designer: Keith
[abstract] [mountains] [shining star] [advertisement agency] [advertising] [magical] [magic] [printing] [toy store] [kiddies] [children center] [ad] [mountain] [star] [wonderful] [fashion] [photographer] [learning center] [home decor] [gift boutique] [charity event] [art studio] [blog] [wedding coordinator] [baby boutique] [spa] [day care] [wedding planner] [designer] [retail] [international business] [business] [development community service] [internet] [development] [club] [exciting] [mysterious] [delta] [peak] [alfa] [beauty] [ma]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Keith, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:41625
star logo - ID:41625

Star Logo Design - 41625

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Logo ID: 41625
Date: 2014-02-23
Designer: Connor-1
[food] [drinks] [star] [heart] [ecology] [green] [petrol] [love] [organic] [nature] [flower] [organic food] [organic food companies] [organic farms] [organic food products] [green food] [fresh food] [think-green] [ecology organizations] [eco-friendly petroleum] [oil industries] [valentine`s] [creative companies] [design offices] [home decor] [nature adventure trip] [camping] [healthy food blog] [vegan] [vegetarian]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Connor-1, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:42
star logo - ID:42

Star Logo Design - 42

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Logo ID: 42
Date: 2010-01-24
Designer: lmj1982
[government] [star] [bird] [eagle] [bomb] [badge]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. lmj1982, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:48590
star logo - ID:48590

Star Logo Design - 48590

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Logo ID: 48590
Date: 2014-10-29
Designer: mengmeng41
[business] [trees] [star] [nature] [swirls] [branch] [fashion] [jewelry] [garden] [furniture] [decor] [floral shop] [landscaper] [natural healing] [non-profit organization] [therapist] [floral designer] [garden center] [wedding] [event planner] [clothing store] [crafts woman] [art store] [coffee trader] [personal growth] [home decor] [ecological lifestyles] [commerce projects] [trade jewelry] [gifts shop] [scarves] [counseling] [interior design] [tree care company] [botanical]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. mengmeng41, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:29377
star logo - ID:29377

Star Logo Design - 29377

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Logo ID: 29377
Date: 2013-04-19
Designer: Kiera79
[environment] [star] [snow flake] [snowfall] [snowflake] [winter] [ice] [cold] [cool]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Kiera79, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:45593
star logo - ID:45593

Star Logo Design - 45593

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Logo ID: 45593
Date: 2014-06-27
Designer: rhardoon
[real estate] [star] [stars] [real estate agent] [realtor] [bank] [house] [home] [luxury] [mortgage] [broker] [insurance] [title] [lawyer] [banking] [finance] [wealth] [commerce] [business] [historic] [historical] [homes] [restoration] [carpenter] [home improvement] [builder] [developer] [renovations] [home loan] [morgage] [home goods] [retail]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. rhardoon, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:11164
star logo - ID:11164

Star Logo Design - 11164

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Logo ID: 11164
Date: 2011-10-26
Designer: Camden
[manufacturing] [star] [blue] [snowflake] [bluestar] [snow] [spark] [sparkler] [eco energy] [food business] [frozen foods] [refrigerators] [freeze] [air-conditioning] [cleaning service] [janitor service] [cleaning products]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Camden, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:45238
star logo - ID:45238

Star Logo Design - 45238

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Logo ID: 45238
Date: 2014-06-13
Designer: EsnVfvEdKtuZRin
[retail] [star] [barcode] [retail shops] [retailer] [retail branding] [shopping] [retail sales] [sales] [marketing] [shop] [supermarket] [fashion store] [fashion label]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. EsnVfvEdKtuZRin, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:56620
star logo - ID:56620

Star Logo Design - 56620

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Logo ID: 56620
Date: 2015-07-17
Designer: Cara-1
[finance] [home] [car] [future] [dollars] [star] [mountain] [insurance]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Cara-1, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:50001
star logo - ID:50001

Star Logo Design - 50001

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Logo ID: 50001
Date: 2015-01-14
Designer: Griffin123
[beauty] [flower] [abstract] [star] [colorful] [spa] [resort] [luxurious] [generic] [diamond] [luxury items] [resorts] [fashion] [saloon] [corporate] [software`s] [mobiles] [apps] [games] [travel business] [more]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Griffin123, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:55139
star logo - ID:55139

Star Logo Design - 55139

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Logo ID: 55139
Date: 2010-12-23
Designer: Liam82
[arts] [star] [blue] [pyramid] [n] [a]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Liam82, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:40478
star logo - ID:40478

Star Logo Design - 40478

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Logo ID: 40478
Date: 2014-01-25
Designer: julialafer
[arts] [sea creature] [star] [fish] [manufacturing] [decorations] [colorfull] [art artisan] [ribbon] [netting] [gift shop] [decoration crafts] [t-shorts] [natural] [beauty products] [food] [energy juice]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. julialafer, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:6626
star logo - ID:6626

Star Logo Design - 6626

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Logo ID: 6626
Date: 2011-05-31
Designer: zhanzhangou7272
[medical] [star] [wings] [torch] [american] [insurance] [cause] [caduceus]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. zhanzhangou7272, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:29287
star logo - ID:29287

Star Logo Design - 29287

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Logo ID: 29287
Date: 2013-04-16
Designer: rhardoon
[abstract] [flag] [star] [four] [four color] [stars] [golf] [flags] [excellence] [award] [prestige] [regal] [victory] [group] [association]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. rhardoon, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:44251
star logo - ID:44251

Star Logo Design - 44251

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Logo ID: 44251
Date: 2014-05-08
Designer: Sofiaa1
[transport] [travel] [bluestar] [star] [aviation] [flight] [airline] [airway] [wings] [bird] [eagle] [marketing] [advertisement agency] [media] [software] [graphic design] [web design firm] [hosting] [technology firm] [software developer] [technology product] [app developer] [multimedia firm] [music] [web 20 company] [auto industry] [technology] [industrial] [fabrication] [metal industry] [construction] [digital media] [webcast] [flight services] [security] [computer] [networking] [production] [studio] [business] [c]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Sofiaa1, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:58387
star logo - ID:58387

Star Logo Design - 58387

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Logo ID: 58387
Date: 2016-11-14
Designer: genggeng95
[animal] [star] [group] [purple] [starfish] [connection] [alliance]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. genggeng95, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:39566
star logo - ID:39566

Star Logo Design - 39566

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Logo ID: 39566
Date: 2014-01-02
Designer: Marilyn79
[media] [star] [stars] [unique] [blue] [glow] [perfect] [actor agency] [fan club] [school] [teaching] [alyernetavny training] [talents] [sports school] [real estate] [realtor] [realty] [painter] [painting company] [maintenance] [community services] [building] [construction] [insurance] [mortgage] [remodeling] [kids education] [college] [publishing] [beach resort] [spa] [janitorial] [tile store]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Marilyn79, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:49126
star logo - ID:49126

Star Logo Design - 49126

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Logo ID: 49126
Date: 2014-11-20
Designer: 爱在深秋时节
[abstract] [star] [triangle] [triangles] [crown] [diamond] [gold] [golden] [brilliant] [show] [spotlight] [kings]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. 爱在深秋时节, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:15519
star logo - ID:15519

Star Logo Design - 15519

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Logo ID: 15519
Date: 2012-02-18
Designer: pksarsy
[kids] [star] [moon] [night] [sleep]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. pksarsy, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:30983
star logo - ID:30983

Star Logo Design - 30983

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Logo ID: 30983
Date: 2013-06-09
Designer: Stephanie123
[abstract] [star] [star circle] [stars] [dancing] [together] [sky] [bank] [construction firm] [corporation] [exchange center] [marketing] [delivery service] [airline company] [travel agency] [development center] [design studio] [hosting center] [graphic design firm] [it] [networking consulting] [tech store] [computer shop] [data center] [internet hosting provider] [software developer]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Stephanie123, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:58599
star logo - ID:58599

Star Logo Design - 58599

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Logo ID: 58599
Date: 2016-12-27
Designer: Keven
[business] [star] [shield] [club] [different clubs] [teams] [changed title] [color scheme]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Keven, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:41636
star logo - ID:41636

Star Logo Design - 41636

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Logo ID: 41636
Date: 2014-02-23
Designer: Jordan79
[design] [balloon] [moon] [night] [star] [good] [company] [fly] [air] [view] [photography] [fashion] [creative business] [travel] [locator] [finder] [app developer] [travel agency] [sportswear apparel] [outerwear] [outdoor recreation retail] [adventure] [tourism] [tours] [environmental] [travel site] [blog] [world destinations] [charter trip company]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Jordan79, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:32905
star logo - ID:32905

Star Logo Design - 32905

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Logo ID: 32905
Date: 2013-07-29
Designer: rhardoon
[architecture] [home] [homes] [builder] [construction] [developer] [houses] [star] [stars] [home repair] [general contractor] [real estate] [realtor] [realty] [house] [roof] [roofing] [building materials] [windows]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. rhardoon, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:47053
star logo - ID:47053

Star Logo Design - 47053

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Logo ID: 47053
Date: 2014-08-28
Designer: dahua2200@hotmail.com.tw
[game] [star] [aim] [target] [shoot] [sky] [sport] [sports] [play] [learn] [learning] [kids] [gaming club] [games developer] [intellectual games] [competitions] [outdoors activities club]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. dahua2200@hotmail.com.tw, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:52119
star logo - ID:52119

Star Logo Design - 52119

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Logo ID: 52119
Date: 2015-04-13
Designer: Alexandra-1
[abstract] [star] [flower] [leaves] [nature] [green] [plant] [beauty] [leaf] [branch] [biology] [art] [design] [nature protection] [spa] [massage] [fashion] [management]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Alexandra-1, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:25867
star logo - ID:25867

Star Logo Design - 25867

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Logo ID: 25867
Date: 2012-12-31
Designer: Melody
[environment] [poppy] [flower] [trees] [seed] [organic] [garden] [rouge] [dark red] [village] [star] [recreational park] [natural park] [retirement home] [design] [gardening] [beauty salon] [flower shop] [coffe shop] [natural] [organic products] [landscaping] [arborist] [therapist] [nonprofit organization] [education] [tutoring] [learning center] [home services] [wedding] [event planner] [counseling center] [nutritionist]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Melody, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:52703
star logo - ID:52703

Star Logo Design - 52703

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Logo ID: 52703
Date: 2013-06-25
Designer: vhwovo12
[media] [star] [entertainment] [agency] [movies] [movie production] [talent] [modeling] [music] [talent agencies] [media production studios] [film making]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. vhwovo12, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:13849
star logo - ID:13849

Star Logo Design - 13849

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Logo ID: 13849
Date: 2012-01-02
Designer: edwin
[abstract] [star] [black] [funny] [magic] [hat] [fun] [wizard] [stars] [cylinder] [fantasy]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. edwin, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:57283
star logo - ID:57283

Star Logo Design - 57283

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Logo ID: 57283
Date: 2016-03-18
Designer: 61674
[animal] [star] [sea] [pink] [store] [aquarium] [fish]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. 61674, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:58702
star logo - ID:58702

Star Logo Design - 58702

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Logo ID: 58702
Date: 2017-01-17
Designer: jeff2850033
[travel] [star]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. jeff2850033, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:27092
star logo - ID:27092

Star Logo Design - 27092

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Logo ID: 27092
Date: 2013-02-07
Designer: dahua2200@hotmail.com.tw
[media] [star] [glory] [famous] [celebrity] [steps] [stage] [show] [talent] [talented] [fashion modeling agencies] [schools] [theater studios] [recording studios]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. dahua2200@hotmail.com.tw, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:32037
star logo - ID:32037

Star Logo Design - 32037

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Logo ID: 32037
Date: 2013-07-06
Designer: Stephanie123
[abstract] [air conditioning] [air freshener] [air] [flow] [wind] [water] [cooling] [cool] [breeze] [star] [online business] [bank] [commercial firm] [corporation] [exchange store] [financial office] [internet payments app] [investments firm] [market] [marketing company] [mobile banking app] [monetary institutions] [online trade] [retail]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Stephanie123, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:1610
star logo - ID:1610

Star Logo Design - 1610

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Logo ID: 1610
Date: 2010-09-22
Designer: Reese
[transport] [star] [initials] [a] [flag] [usa] [america]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Reese, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:32858
star logo - ID:32858

Star Logo Design - 32858

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Logo ID: 32858
Date: 2013-07-27
Designer: alberto.ko
[business] [diamond] [star] [multicolor] [mosaic] [tile] [pattern] [colorful] [decoration] [interior design] [product brand] [home furnishing store] [textiles shop] [bath]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. alberto.ko, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:30702
star logo - ID:30702

Star Logo Design - 30702

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Logo ID: 30702
Date: 2013-06-01
Designer: zabismile
[sports] [soccer] [football] [star] [stars] [ball] [badge] [club] [game] [games] [team] [football video games] [sports networks] [sports channels] [football tv] [football magazine] [sportswear brand]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. zabismile, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:43968
star logo - ID:43968

Star Logo Design - 43968

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Logo ID: 43968
Date: 2014-04-29
Designer: Stephanie123
[abstract] [star] [advertising center] [business center] [bank] [construction firm] [corporation] [exchange center] [marketing] [delivery service] [airline company] [travel agency] [development center] [design studio] [hosting center] [graphic design firm] [it center] [networking consulting] [tech store] [computer shop] [data center] [internet hosting provider] [software de]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Stephanie123, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:223
star logo - ID:223

Star Logo Design - 223

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Logo ID: 223
Date: 2010-02-17
Designer: Hayden
[business] [star] [man] [person] [bald]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Hayden, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.
Star Logo - ID:49140
star logo - ID:49140

Star Logo Design - 49140

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Logo ID: 49140
Date: 2014-11-24
Designer: Eva
[education] [book] [books] [reading] [school] [college] [university] [star] [stars] [tutor] [learning] [educator] [schooling] [educate] [smart] [learn] [entertainment]
Copyright Info:
Designer of the logo. Eva, reserves all rights. Rights will be transferred to the client on purchase.

More star logos